Deciding to go public on what, on reflection, has been a personal photographic practice of 50 years has been prompted by, of all things, social media, and in particular - Instagram.

I’d been testing the waters with images and ideas for a couple of years, when the sudden illness of my wife Sue, changed everything. Instagram became a tool to shield us from ‘the call’ while still telling our friends and family what was happening as Sue faced the shock of a terminal diagnosis. We could engage, remain engaged, but detach when it all got too much, and yet still feel the love that was coming our way.

It’s now five years since Sue passed. My disappearing into the scrub or wandering the shore with a camera rescued me, and continues to do so.

These images are largely informed by a lifetime of loving the sea. If they have an aim I’d say it is simply to open eyes to the wonder in the small as much as the majestic, revealing the things that we don’t take the time to see. A world unfolded in such a way that, I would hope, reinforces our collective desire to save it.